Tuesday, November 30, 2010




Monday, November 29, 2010

A Thanksgiving Message

Lincoln, Nebr.
Nov. 17, 1965

Dear Marie -

First I wish to thank you for paying the telephone bill when it is sent to you. This is Wednesday and I haven't heard from you so I will write what I will take time before I go down South to the Post-Office.

Now Marie I wish to talk to you and write more about what we were talking about last Sunday. The 10 month and 22nd 1965 was the last time I talked to Dr. Palmer. She said at that time every-thing was the same.

Now I would like to call you up next Sunday and I will pay the bill. You can tell me what Betty said about coming. Also you know you said what do you want me to write? Well I can be at home Sunday afternoon.

Please excuse writing.

As ever,
I am

In haste.)

P.S. Let your family read the clipping as well as your-self.

Night gown -
size 38
light blue
Thank you.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thinking of You on Your Birthday

I have been here now over 11 1/2 years

Lincoln, Nebr.
May 31, 1965
1149 South 17th Street

Dear Marie -

Well first I should write that I returned safely from Omaha. I left Lincoln on a Saturday morning. When I arrived in Omaha I took a taxi out to your father's place and I think it cost $1.35 for the fare. After dinner we all went up to Blair to see my brother at the nursing home. He seemed pleased to see us.

The next day being Sunday I went out to Hilda's in the forenoon and had dinner. I had not seen her for some times and it was like old times and it was like old times to visit. Remember that picture which was in a colored photograph who was her grand-daughter? Well Hilda's grand-daughter is now 23 years of age and an R.N. out in San Francisco, California, when the earth quake happened. And that same evening he granddaughter called Hilda over long distance telephone to say how scared she was. Hilda's granddaughter is keeping company with a Doctor but don't intend to marry for quite a long time.

Well to get back to my trip I returned Sunday evening about 7 o'clock. Dora sent some green onions from the garden for Mrs. Schultz.

The other evening when I called over the telephone and Johnny answered - well it was a good thing that I payed for the call before I began talking.

You know I said that I wrote to Stanley about asking Elin to come this summer for a visit. Well I received a letter from Stanley's wife. And this is what she wrote - Quote "Stan received your letter, and we spoke to his mother and urged her to make the trip to Omaha. She didn't sem to have made any plans as yet. We offered her severeal suggestions concerning ways to make the trip, and she is now thinking about it. Stan's dad would like her to go to see you, too, so maybe we can all convince her to do it." Un-quote

Now Marie I was thinking of an idea and how would this sound? If Ray wasn't coming also why then couldn't Ray go with her as far as your place. And then come with Becky. I don't know how Becky intends to travel coming here. That is something I had intended to ask you over the telephone. The reason is that perhaps Elin wouldn't like to travel by her-self is the reason I mentioned this. If Elin could come with Becky.

Marie I hope I can talk to Dr. Palmer real soon and that I can be released from the State Hospital.

I wish I could be sort of organized at Randolph and visit with Elin and Becky and her family there.

Marie my friend Edna has been waiting for me for over 2 years now. I am hoping that what Lottie wrote and also your letter will be satisfactory. But I have to find out. Now in case I need more evidence I hope I can call on you and Frank. The social worker at the hospital said "I should stay close to my family." Well this is the nearest because I have known Edna since I was a child. Also the social worker said that the hospital would co-operate with Dr. Palmer. Now I wish to take all my belongings with me and Edna and a relative will come for me when I get permission. I am writing all this so there isn't any guessing about my plans.

Please keep this letter in a safe place so you can read it over later.

I wish to leave here just as soon as possible. I have been here now over 11 1/2 years and I am 75 years of age.

I wish you were coming vacation time so I could talk to you in person.

Hope you got the calendar with the clippings. When Becky comes I could show her what it is I intend to give her.

I will try to call you over the telephone next Friday evening., June 4th, 1965.

As ever,

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Death of Cousin Charles

Lincoln, Nebr.
Jan. 17, 1958

Dear Marie -

I wish to thank you for the book you sent about Arizona Highways. Also for the box of candy and green page and a few lines written by you.

You know Marie how I wondered why my cousin Anna didn't write. Did you hear from her at Christmas time? Well in case you didn't I will quote in part from her letter. Anna sent me a lovely Christmas card and within she wrote - To dear Ruth, and this in print on the card -

A Merry Christmas
Smooth Sailing
In The New Year


"I have just not been able to get my-self to write to anybody. After the loss of our dear brother Charles. His passing was such a shock to us for never did he complain of any sickness. He was out "sturdy oak". Then all of the sudden, when he was helping in taking care of another sick member of our family, he got what seemed to be indigestion. After having it for several days, a Doctor was called and he was taken to the hospital and put under oxygen for several weeks. I think the illness lasted only five or six weeks, altogether. We sure miss our dear brother very much and have many periods of deep grieving." Un-quote.

Please write to Anna and let her know I have written to you and send your sympathy. You must have met Charles when you visited Anna.

I am intending to send you a few things and how I wish you would let me know when you have received any-thing which I have sent to you.

I am enclosing some elastic, you may use it to tie on a pencil by your telephone and tie the other end to a nail or hook. Then you have a pencil handy when necessary. You can use what you think is the right length and cut it off. I fixed a pencil that way for the lady I work for.

I had a Christmas greeting card from Mrs. Durand in Omaha. She wrote in part "We are sorry that you are unhappy in your work. Time is much more pleasant if we like what we are doing." Also "I'm sorry that Martin isn't more help to you."

Marie - "A family should stand by each other."

When we were living in Omaha I remember you asked Martin "If I should need help at some time you would help me wouldn't you? And Martin answered that "he would." Now if Martin understood what my situation was I am sure he would do as I ask him. To help me leave this place. I don't think your father heard from him at Christmas time.

Marie I was going to suggest something while I think of it. You know your father's parents pictures that were taken out of the frame? Well they should be put in a frame. I was wondering if you would care to buy one that has 2 separate frames for the pictures and send it to your father. It could be a late birthday present or else you could plan to give him the gift as a father's day present.

Please write soon. And what about the apron? Have you sent you sisters any apron.

I have so little time for sewing

Marie -

I sewed the pockets on the dress and you can see how the machine sews. If the dress is tight around the waist perhaps you can take the skirt and waist apart you could wear the waist under a jumper.

I was going to mention that the cards I am sending like this one I am writing on, could be for your children. Maybe put in a scrap book especially the cards which have pictures of little lambs.

Oh I was going to mention that I sewed new buttons on the dress over the shoulders. Also fixed the arm hole with bias tape.

I have so little time for sewing.

Marie if you think of it could you send cousin Anna 1 of those green pages? I am sure she woule like to receive one from you.

I am writing with the pen Lottie sent me for my birthay. I think I will like it as I get used to it.

Marie I wish you come out and visit you so that we can talk over matters about Martin. Hope you and the members of your family are well.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

From the desk of Janet F. Palmer, M.D.

The Search for Martin continues

Lincoln, Nebr.
March 21, 1954

Sir -

I wish to write and ask you about my son. I am Martin Jensen's mother. My daughter who lives in Tacoma Washington sent me your address. She wrote that if I wrote to you and explained the situation perhaps youwould be able to help me.

I am anxious to know how my sone is and he don't write.

Now what I wish to know is, if Martin M. Jensen is working on ships? Could you also let me know if Martin is out on some ship now, and if so, when is he expected to return to San Francisco?

I am working in Lincoln, Nebraska at the present time.

Will you please answer as soon as possible?

Thanking you very much and I will appreciate hearing from you.

Mrs. Jensen

So thats the end of exercise


Hope you are OK.

Did you Happy New Year?

Please send me The December History Today please. I Got The box you sent me For Cristmas time and The History today of Last year But December  DO NOT HAVE please sent to me when you Get it. Hope the cold Not too bad.

Your Son,

I told Lars he should exercise some so he took my arm walked to front door. Turned started back for kithen, got as far as the dining room door dropped my arm and flooped down on couch so thats the end of exercise

Monday, November 22, 2010

Elin seems to write with a pencil always.

Lincoln, Nebr.
May 31, 1960

Dear Marie -

I wish to thank you for the Mother's day greeting card and the check. I appreciate what you sent Marie very much.

I sent Martin a birthday card also, but no answer. Has he wrtitten to you lately? I intend to call your father and then I will ask if he has heard from Martin. I suppose you will send something to your father for father's day. Or if you come when your work is over at school you could let him know that you will bring a present. Like a frame for his parent's picture would be ideal. Or perhaps if you prefer you could waite until you come and see about the size. You can ask him to see the pictures then measure for the correct size as near as possible.

I received a mother's day greeting card from Lottie, Betty, and also Elin.

Did you have your little boy's picture taken as I asked you to. Then how he could pose with a hat? Then have it put in a frame for your father?

My brother Garfield came for me last Saturday and we went out to Weston. I planted 5 packages of flower seeds and marigold plants. Also a white rose bush. I hope they grow. I was going to send you the envelopes but couldn't find them when I arrived back to Lincoln. My brother took some pictures which he said were colored and that he had 2 left. I told him to save them until you came and, meaning to take your picture then.

Now Marie you must come as soon as possible for it is most important. And please will you write or call Elin to come about the same time so we can be together. Elin wrote a few lines with a pencil when she sent the mother's day car so I sent her a pen and handkerchief recently. Elin seems to write with a pencil always.

I know brother Garfield will be glad to see her, meaning Elin so please co-operate. Will you?

I suppose Betty and Lottie don't plan to come or have you heard anything different?

Now I suppose you are tired but hope it isn't asking too much to inquite at the employment office as I asked you to do. You could first ask what place they have in the line of house-work. You could say that I would be plain cooking, washing, ironin and cleaning. And as I said older people and a small family. Find out what they would expect. And I could perhaps do day work and  have a room some-where else. That way it would seem more like having a little freesom. And it would be marvelous after being here for over 6 1/2 pears. So find out about day work.

Marie I will call you next Sunday afternoon that will be June the 5th. Then please let me know what you learned at the employment office. As I said I would like for you to come here and then we could go back the same time. I hope your family will co-operate being you help make the living.

The flounce I mean is similar to that which I sewed on your apron which I sent you. Show the apron to the dress-maker why don't you? The flounce should be bout that wide as on the apron.

I have a new short coat, black dress and slip. Do you have a black slip? Would you care for one? As I mentioned before I have a pocket-book I will give you, or Ruthie.

And Marie as you said "something you wished should be done for Martin. Yes indeed that certainly is the truth. But the family are the ones to help each other. No our-siders. We the members of the family should be loyal to each other and faithful.

Here is a short poem -

We cannot know how much we learn
From those who never will return.
Until a flash of unforeseen
Remembrance falls on what has been

I have told Mrs. Shultz my brother Garfield and I think the attorney that you can't come until about the middle of July.

Now please listen closely when I talk to you over the telephone. If you wish I would send you $10.00 to help pay the fare. Lottie sent that amount for mother's day gift to me.

I will receive my wages in a few days. I think I will call your father then.

When I ask you about the employment answer so I can hear you. Also tell me that you are coming I pray.

Enclose is 6 clippings.

With love and best wishes,
I remain
Your Mother.

P.S. How I wish Martin would help me so I wouldn't need to ask you to favors for me.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Radio Notes & Cookies

Jan. 14, 1968.

In Des Moines - A lady who is 109 years old today.

The chapel in the Valley. It is better to have 1 foot on the brake than 6 feet under the ground.

Citizens rights should not be interfered with.

1 cup shortning
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup molasses
2 eggs
2 tea vanila
1 1/2 cup flour
1 tea baking
1/2 tea soda
1 tea salt
all spice
1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup butter or marg
1 1/2 cup supgar
2 lemon juice - 1 cup
6 eggs

Cash $75.81

Regarding the property at 2511 Emmet Street

(click to enlarge)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Certificate of Fitness

I receive 28 dollars each month social security income

Lincoln, Nebr.
May 16, 1959

Dearest Marie -

I was very glad to receive your letter and the check for $5.00 for Mother's day. Thank you very much dear.

I sent you an air-mail letter before I received your letter. I hope you received it O.K. so to speak with the kodak pictures enclosed and the money order for $15.00. Also clippings and Martin's address on brown paper.

First I just must tell you that Lottie had already sent me a mother's day care the same kind of card that you sent. Also received a mother's day greeting care from Elin and Betty.

Perhaps the card that you sent to Martin will be returned. I have sent him letters and greeting cards which have only come back.

I receive 28 dollars each month social security income. I think the best way and that is the way I wrote - Find a room for me and if necessary pay some money down with the money I sent you. That is real thoughtful of you to think about a trailer for me to live in. But wait until I come out there and then we can talk more about plans Marie like that.

And Marie I marked in the want ads the kind of work I would be interested in. But Marie I used to fine my employment through the employment place. That is a better way please Marie then adds. And Marie about an ad which asks for someone to care for an older person, that should be a middle-aged, practical nurse. It is wonderful that you re taking an interest in me and how I appreciate it, is beyond words.

It would be a good idea to inquire about the kind of work which I marked in the Omaha want adds at the employment place. But first find a room as reasonable as possible for me.

I wish to leave here next month as I wrote in the other letter. Please again wait until I come before you plan something for me.

I will call you over the telephone May 24th and please be at home. If I call in the afternoon I wish you would answer the telephone. Now I will ask you when I call -

1. Have you found a room for me?

2. Is it O.K. for me to come next month? If I come in the morning I hope you can meet me at the depot. Other-wise I can call you up when I arrive at Phoenix.

I can't express in words how I appreciate your help Marie. Thank you you very much for what you enclosed in your letter again.

Now please also write to your father that I may come to Phoenix and I will call him up and then he can tell me what you wrote.

I hope it will be all right to have my mail forward to your address. But I don't get much mail.

With best wishes and love.

I remain
Your Mother.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Photo: Betty & Ken

late 1980s
Kenneth Light
Betty Jensen Pritchett Light

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Graduation - John L. Durand

According to good etiquette write a few lines to your Mother every week

Oakland, Nebr.
May 27, 1941

Marie -

As I haven't heard from you or Betty since you were to visit me I am writing a few lines.  I received this stationary from Lottie for Mother's day. Have you been so busy that you couldn't find time to send me even a card?

Now you should I think according to good etiquette write a few lines to your Mother every week. But I suppose that the younger generation will do different. But for some one who is educated as you are supposed to be now you should to be now you should stop and pause to think about your Mother. But if the Mothers don't get a reward in this world perhaps they will in the here-after. For we all must die!

Joe and family were down last Sunday. Also Garfield and his house-keeper.

The flowers are beginning to bloom here. One lily out side my window is now in full bloom and it is the color I like which is light yellow. Garfield and his house-keeper are coming up again next Friday May 20th to place flowers of those nearest to him who have passed on. I would surely like to see you all. I mean Betty, Martin, your-self and your father to do the driving of the car. No out-siders. Are you planing on coming?

If you are please bring some food for me ans as much as you wish to bring.

Please ring pictures we had taken or send them. I have been waiting for them now for more than 2 weeks.

If you go any place, please let Martin wear some-thing that he don't have to be so careful about if he gets the clothes dirty. You reminded him so after about now to get his overalls dirty. You used to say let him live. And please don't forget to take some drinking cups. I would be delighted to see you and if you possibly can spare me a little money. Or have your father given you some money for me.

Take things easy. Take coats along and some-thing on your heads please.

I must now close and good-by for this time.

As ever,
I am,
Your Mother.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Grampa's Green House

You don't need to worry over me dear.

Lincoln, Nebr.
March 9, 1962

Dear Marie - Enclosed you will find an Easter card.

Didn't you thnk it would be a good idea what I wrote about the material for an apron? I mean to cut the material  and use an old apron for a pattern. My machine is out of order so I can't sew now on it. What sewing I do I sew by hand.

I hope you are all well and don't take more colds.

Do you have your children's pets out-of-doors?

I enjoyed reading that green page about at the close of the old year. Thank you for it.

I sent the 1 page to Hilda which was intended for her.

When I was down town I looked for a photograph book but didn't find 1 that I liked. I was thinking that when I find 1 I will let you know. Then you can send me those kodak pictures and I can place them in the book and give it to her. I wrote to her recently and also talked over the telephone to her. She was at home, said she was very weak.

Marie, I was down town last Wednesday and I stopped to see Mr. Elmen. He said "you wrote a very nice letter to him." Thank you dear. He had been out to the hospital and talk to the Doctors, he said.

I was thinking of something you said over the telephone. "That something worries you." You don't need to worry over me dear. Just think how I have had to adjust to my problems.

And how I wish I could see Martin and that he would write at times. Do you suppose Martin was in New York at Christmas time or that his mail was kept for him until his return? I hope Martin received your letter.

Marie this is what Mr. Elmen said - "To tell the hospital that you will be responsible for me - your mother."

Please write the words to Mr. Elmen and then he will tell the Doctors at the State Hospital. When you write please ask Mr. Elmen to call me over the telephone when he has talked to the Doctor that I can be discharged so I can leave Lincoln.

Thanking you very much dear. I will try to call you next Thursday about the time I called you last time.

Last Wednesday when I was down town I bought a gift and card for Merrilyn.

Please don't delay dear about Mr. Elmen. Mrs. Schultz wants to buy another dress which I do not need. I wish to leave here as soon as possible.

I called my cousin Anna by telephone and I told her you were to visit me last summer. She said you had a nice family.

I wish you would send her an Easter card and perhaps a kodak picture of your-self.

As ever,
I am
Your Mother.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

If Pop or Dora gets Worce


Dear Lottie and Bob.

As you may now the S.S. Unite States may STOP SAILING. So please use my New York addrest IF Pop or Dora gets Worce becouse I can'ts a emergency addrest NOW.

love, Martin

I'm Doomed...

Happy 36th Birthday to me!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Also told him to have the plumbing fixed.

Spring 1960 (based on where postcard was located in the boxes)

Lincoln, Nebr

Dear Marie -

I sent you a package this afternoon. I may call you by long distance telephone next Sunday afternoon and hope you will be at home.

I called your father up and asked him if he had, had the T.V. fixed and he said yes. Also told him to have the plumbing fixed.

Excuse pencil. Hope to talk with you Sunday afternoon.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jill!

I don't wish for the lady I work for to have her name with the money

Lincoln, Nebr.
May 2, 1956

Dear Marie -

Inclose you will find the money $10.00 to help pay for the railroad fare to Lincoln.

Mrs. Schultz said she is intending to write to you too. She said to me that when I am ready to leave here she would buy a steamer trunk for me as a gift.

Please write soon as possible and answer me what your plans are.

Best wishes,
I am
Your Mother.

P.S. If you write to the social worker please write I may take care of my own money and that I may put my money in the bank. I don't wish for the lady I work for to have her name with the money which is mine in the bank. Please let the social worker know and her address is

Mrs. Leopold,
In care of State Hospital, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Also please ask the social worker if she will please come out and visit me? And that if I may talk to her in private?

I hope you received the other 2 letters I sent you since I received your letter. If you can't come I must ask Martin to help me. Please write before Mother's day to your Mother.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Photo: Elin & Ray

Elin Jensen Johnson & Ray Johnson
Colville, Washington

Friday Photo: Lottie at 16

Lottie Jensen Johnson
1936, 16 years old
Omaha, Nebraska