Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Reason for Yo-Yo Nights

In my family we had Yo-Yo Nights (You're On Your Own).

Don't worry, this happened when we were at least teenagers, not when we were five, seven, and eight.

But I now remember why they were created...the end of the school year is crazy!

So...while I tried to take a week break to re-group, I now have decided to take the month off.

But please don't forget about this little site! I'll be July!


P.S. If you want an email when I return to this blog in a few weeks, please send me an email at annalei(dot)burkhalter(at)gmail(dot) com.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday Photo: The 2nd Cousins

Elisabeth Burkhalter Rosson (back)
Benson Isley
Morgan Vukovic Walsh
Katie Cobb Burns
Keith West

mid 1980s

Thursday, June 3, 2010

"They'll come to dirty windows and con-webby ceilings!"

April 19, 1945

Dear Marie and Frank,

Just a note to send along with a check for the shoes. Thanks a jillion for getting them! I'm enclosing a few cents extra for postage - I hope it covers. I didn't notice it on the package. The shoes are perfect!

Did you receive the package of maternity clothes? The box wasn't packed too well. I was rushing to meet the mailman. I had planned to send only the maternity things now; the bed jackets and baby things for later. But there was extra room in the box, so I quickly gathered up things even though they weren't in the condition I would have wished to send them. Your other baby things will come later. By the way, I shall send along four of Melody's shirts with yours (very good condition - small size). Just thought I'd tell you so you wouldn't buy any more.

The Round Robin hasn't gotten to Susana yet. Are you the guilty one? Doubtless you know Betty and Morgan were here for Easter. We had a grand visit. However, I made the mistake of deciding to do the spring housecleaning the week prioor to their coming. So I wore myself to a frazzle and was too tired to enjoy the visit as much as I should. Next time, so help me, they'll come to dirty windows and con-webby ceilings!

Bob was assigned to the Adjudent General's Office in Hawaii. They finally caught up with his blood pressure, and when the assignments for his outfit were passed out, he drew a desk job. This is really a lucky break, for he may miss combat altogether. His address is - oh fiddle; I'll just tear off a piece from an envelope. Please write him. Letters mean so much.

Tomorrow Evelyn Paul is coming out to spend the day and sew. I cut three little dresses out for her youngest girl, and I'm going to help her with them. She is leaving her two kids at home and Ruth is going to take care of R and Melody, so with a quiet, peaceful day we ought to accomplish something.

Write - you.

Love & stuff,

"You're getting younger every day."



Happy Birthday!

Just think! You're getting younger every day. Have many more birthdays - they're fun!
I really do hope you people come up for the World's Fair. It's going to be real nice and all that jazz.

Although it's really terrible of me not to write sooner, thanks gobs for the powder you sent me for Christmas. It smells pretty!

Lots of love and all that garbage,
Jill Johnson

(sent to Marie?)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"I am back in New York now."

Sept. 26, 1959

Dear Pop and Dora,

Hope you and Dora are O.K.

I am back in New York now.

I do not know how long I will be hear - mabey 2 or 3 week's.

Pop, Did my refund for me income tax money come yeat? (1956-1957-1958). IF SO PLEASE SENT IT TO ME IN NEW YORK. PLEASE SEND BY AIR MAIL.

Dora - Please Give My love to Mother in your next letter for me.


Land Yacht on Bainbridge