Monday, November 22, 2010

Elin seems to write with a pencil always.

Lincoln, Nebr.
May 31, 1960

Dear Marie -

I wish to thank you for the Mother's day greeting card and the check. I appreciate what you sent Marie very much.

I sent Martin a birthday card also, but no answer. Has he wrtitten to you lately? I intend to call your father and then I will ask if he has heard from Martin. I suppose you will send something to your father for father's day. Or if you come when your work is over at school you could let him know that you will bring a present. Like a frame for his parent's picture would be ideal. Or perhaps if you prefer you could waite until you come and see about the size. You can ask him to see the pictures then measure for the correct size as near as possible.

I received a mother's day greeting card from Lottie, Betty, and also Elin.

Did you have your little boy's picture taken as I asked you to. Then how he could pose with a hat? Then have it put in a frame for your father?

My brother Garfield came for me last Saturday and we went out to Weston. I planted 5 packages of flower seeds and marigold plants. Also a white rose bush. I hope they grow. I was going to send you the envelopes but couldn't find them when I arrived back to Lincoln. My brother took some pictures which he said were colored and that he had 2 left. I told him to save them until you came and, meaning to take your picture then.

Now Marie you must come as soon as possible for it is most important. And please will you write or call Elin to come about the same time so we can be together. Elin wrote a few lines with a pencil when she sent the mother's day car so I sent her a pen and handkerchief recently. Elin seems to write with a pencil always.

I know brother Garfield will be glad to see her, meaning Elin so please co-operate. Will you?

I suppose Betty and Lottie don't plan to come or have you heard anything different?

Now I suppose you are tired but hope it isn't asking too much to inquite at the employment office as I asked you to do. You could first ask what place they have in the line of house-work. You could say that I would be plain cooking, washing, ironin and cleaning. And as I said older people and a small family. Find out what they would expect. And I could perhaps do day work and  have a room some-where else. That way it would seem more like having a little freesom. And it would be marvelous after being here for over 6 1/2 pears. So find out about day work.

Marie I will call you next Sunday afternoon that will be June the 5th. Then please let me know what you learned at the employment office. As I said I would like for you to come here and then we could go back the same time. I hope your family will co-operate being you help make the living.

The flounce I mean is similar to that which I sewed on your apron which I sent you. Show the apron to the dress-maker why don't you? The flounce should be bout that wide as on the apron.

I have a new short coat, black dress and slip. Do you have a black slip? Would you care for one? As I mentioned before I have a pocket-book I will give you, or Ruthie.

And Marie as you said "something you wished should be done for Martin. Yes indeed that certainly is the truth. But the family are the ones to help each other. No our-siders. We the members of the family should be loyal to each other and faithful.

Here is a short poem -

We cannot know how much we learn
From those who never will return.
Until a flash of unforeseen
Remembrance falls on what has been

I have told Mrs. Shultz my brother Garfield and I think the attorney that you can't come until about the middle of July.

Now please listen closely when I talk to you over the telephone. If you wish I would send you $10.00 to help pay the fare. Lottie sent that amount for mother's day gift to me.

I will receive my wages in a few days. I think I will call your father then.

When I ask you about the employment answer so I can hear you. Also tell me that you are coming I pray.

Enclose is 6 clippings.

With love and best wishes,
I remain
Your Mother.

P.S. How I wish Martin would help me so I wouldn't need to ask you to favors for me.


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