Saturday, November 27, 2010

I have so little time for sewing

Marie -

I sewed the pockets on the dress and you can see how the machine sews. If the dress is tight around the waist perhaps you can take the skirt and waist apart you could wear the waist under a jumper.

I was going to mention that the cards I am sending like this one I am writing on, could be for your children. Maybe put in a scrap book especially the cards which have pictures of little lambs.

Oh I was going to mention that I sewed new buttons on the dress over the shoulders. Also fixed the arm hole with bias tape.

I have so little time for sewing.

Marie if you think of it could you send cousin Anna 1 of those green pages? I am sure she woule like to receive one from you.

I am writing with the pen Lottie sent me for my birthay. I think I will like it as I get used to it.

Marie I wish you come out and visit you so that we can talk over matters about Martin. Hope you and the members of your family are well.


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