Omaha, Nebr.
Feb. 24, 1946
Marie -
Well I thought I would write a few lines to you being this is Sunday afternoon. I hope that you received the last note I sent with the birthday greeting card. Did you have a happy birthday? Please write and let me hear how you passed the day before you forget. I have been looking for the water bottle Marie which you wrote in your letter that you would send as soon as you get a chance to go shopping. I hope you are not working too hard so that you can't find time to go out and take a walk in the fresh air.
And how is Frank and the children? No doubt you are looking forward to summer when you are leaving Chicago.
Marie please try have a family picture taken and please don't any of you look at the camera. And don't wear your glasses. Answer me when you write Marie about pictures.
I was thinking that I thought it would be nice if Betty and Morgan could come for a visit to you when Frank graduates in June. You can be thinking this over and then write Betty.
Yes I was over to Fremont to see Dave as he stays there. Well I wanted to see him about having some repairs made to the house here. Hasn't there been a great deal printed in the news-papers about housing conditions?
Now about my utilities, you know there is only one water meter. So the people up-stairs pay the bill and that is taken out of their rent. And your father pays the electric light bill. Also he has brought me package coal this winter. Now about food, I have had some money which I have spent for food but that money is almost used up now. So Marie do you think you could send me some money what you can spare? You don't need to send the water bottle if you haven't already bought it. You may send the money instead and please Marie will you send money just as soon as possible?
Yes Lottie, Betty, and Martin sent me something for Christmas as well as Elin. But Marie I have had some personal taxes that should have been paid a long time ago. And your father didn't want to pay them for me. So with some of the money you sent me at Christmas I paid taxes with.
Now about 100 Home Avenue I wish that you or Frank could take a taxi some time and go out and se about about how big the house is. But first Frank could look up and see where it is being the street name has been changed.
Thank you for sending the letter from my cousin. I hope that you can visit them real soon and see how my cousin is who had injured her knee.
There are many divorces in Chicago isn't there? Even Sonja Henie and do you take any dayly paper? And so many young brides coming to America from England. I read that this was a greatest number of youmg woman coming to this country in 2 hundred years. But that they would be an asset to the States. The biggest number of women and children at one time. Marie I have written you about coming to Omaha and why can't you answer me about this. You know you have some things here still.
I wish that you would write and answer questions. I try to answer your questions. I hope I will hear from you this week.
So good-by,
I am,
P.S. You may sent any letter you have received from your sisters. Did you received the valentine box I sent with a few cookies? If you wish you may send me a pair of stockings.
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