Thursday, May 20, 2010

"I don't really like Freeways except for their convenience"

Sept 1, 1991

Dear "L" -

Greetings on a cloudy and a bit cooler day in the Valley. The monsoon is trying to make its way in, but now very successfully. It's two weeks late and if we don't get rain now we'll probably have to wait until January. But, tomorrow is Labor Day - and sometimes we have "doozies" on Labor Day. One year there were some tragic floods. We don't want that!

It's Sunday. LouBelle is taking a late afternoon nap. "Not that I have to - I just want to!" Well, that's good enough reasoning for a retired person.

Afterwards, she plans to arise - and do some "book work." It has already been annouced that supper will be quite late. So? -

We attended two Services this morning: the early Service at First Cong. and the late Service at Creighton. LouBelle is Chairman of the Altar Guild so she had to pass out assignments to members of the Guild for this September/October duties on the Brass/Flowers. And Parsements committees [And we had newspapers & crushed soft drink cans to dispose of.]

Wih the new crosstown freeway in place, the trip from First to Creighton took 15 min as compared to the previous thirty min. I don't really like Freeways except for their convenience. So - that's why I use them.

It has speeded up trips to church and the airport considerably. Like them or not there they are and so what? Why not use them. We have also discovered new faster ways to Luke AFB (PX shopping) and Sun City.

There is another freeway leg that has opened on the Superstition that extends all the way to U.S. 60 out at Apache Junction & offers a new "quick" alternate route to Greer. But LB is not that fascinated with transversing the Salt River Canyon. We would like to cut down on the time it takes to get to Greer and it appears we can. We will be going up in mid-September to "close up" for the winter.

In the meantime we have been utilizing LB's cabin at Prescott - only two hours away. All of the family have utilized the Green cabin this year - and that is good.

Now - Isn't all of the above exciting & fascinating?

I just finished shampooing my hair (in the middle of the day?) Which fact both confounded and pleased LouBelle. Now, maybe I should start gathering the correct type of clothes hangers for our October cruise, which will come upon us before we realize it. It will be our anniversary cruise and the ship already knows it. There will be something special on October 6. It's already on the ship's agenda we note from papers we have received to date.

Which brings me to Japan. I will have more details Tuesday, Sept. 2 when Orpheus begins rehearsals. And there is a "travel meeting" coming up in mid-September. But if you, & Jill & Larry are still interested in going, one way is to send $100.00 (refundable) each pronto & impress them with your alacrity & interest & reserve a place. Could you inform Jill & Larry for me? Thanks.

Don't know what's new here to report that you haven't heard from Becky.

I am interested to know how the wedding of Nathan & Patty went at the Johnson Chapel. And I'm interested to hear more about my new great-great-nephew with the long name. Congratulate them for us - even if we have already done so. Assuming we read the address right on notices we have received from them and they received our cards.

I wonder if I'll go to bed earlier tonight? This getting up early (like I did today) really help wake me up and not be so rushed to get to church - or fall asleep during the sermon. I couldn't today anyhow. The Pastor Emertius at First Cong. spoke this morning. He's a sensible orator. He was LouBelle's minister for 17 years - and I have known him through my various civic & church activities.

I might take another nap to help guarantee the arising early by getter all the sleep out of my system. Or it may be that my "sleeper machine" with its new "whisper valve" will be so effecive that I will garner enough rest. LouBelle reports I don't snore. I'd blow one of my own gaskets or one of the machines!

Maybe I'd better stop & do what LB is doing - bills & records.

Love ya,
[Frank Durand]

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