Sunday, October 13, 2013

You Could Borrow Some Money

Aug. 8, 1951

Dear Marie - 

To-day is Wednesday evening. I hope that you received the letter I wrote Sunday and received the important notice from the Central Van and Storage Co, about my personal property so to speak. I also wrote to Mrs. Durand about calling the Storage Co., for me because I want to pay the bill. But Marie you know that I need some help. I was thinking that you could borrow some money or take a loan on your automobile and perhaps some other way. I don't know but this idea came to me. Then perhaps Betty or Elin could help but I don't know about Lottie. And being that time is nearing the date it is most necessary that you think real serious about this problem. I was thinking that you wouldn't need to send me any money at Christmas or for some time. Instead help me at the present time. So kindly will you send a telegram to each of your sisters for me. Or Frank could word them for you, I mean (telegrams).

I hope you excuse me for coming to the point in explaining about my need for money. Marie I don't like to write you about money and please don't be nervous. But sit down and talk over about money step by step. The money should be sent direct to the Storage Company. 

I am worried and you should show that you wish to do this for me because I have did so much work for you in the past.

Now please write and let me know if you have received the notice from the Storage Co., and send your letter air-mail. Marie now pay attention to what I have written. You wouldn't like to have some man who knows about legal matters come to see you would you?

Thanking you in advance. Best wishes to you all.

As ever,

I am,

Your Mother.

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