Monday, July 22, 2013

It Is The Same Story

Lincoln, Nebr. 
Dec. 6, 1955

Dear Marie - 

I received your welcome letter and I was glad to hear from you. Thank you very much for the clippings which you sent me.

First I wish to say please excuse me for writing with pencil.

Glad to hear that Frank has a better position now. It must be quite interesting work also and more along his line of work that the other (job) as you called it. I hope also that his position in the church will be permanent and that Frank will like the church and the members in the church. It must remind Frank of other places where he has worked along similar lines. 

I will excuse you for not writing sooner. If only you would answer my questions how thankful I would be.

No I haven't yet been to the ear Dr. but still wish to go when I have the opportunity.

No I haven't hear form Martin for months. Your father heard from him this summer and he was on his way to Germany. I wish Martin would write to me as I am very anxious about him. I hope he returned safely and is well. Perhaps you could write to his address at Seattle, Washington. I hope they will know there where to forward any letters to him.

Marie could you please try and come to see me because it is hard to write about my problems.

I have a nice blue dress and it is size 16 1/2. Also some new shoes that cost $10.95. Also new bed room slippers, and a house-coat.

I have sent all your sister and wash cloth with the initial.

I haven't heard from Betty for some time. I sent her a birthday card and a box of cookies but so far I have not had a line from her to let me know if she received what I sent to her. Has she moved with her family again and why was the reason? I am intending to send Betty something for Christmas also you. I have sent Lottie something. I sent it and had a return card made out to sent back to me but so far I haven't received it.

Marie I asked a question in my last letter about the hospital but you didn't answer me. It was important.

So please will you answer me about this question? Being my brother wrote that he supposed it was all right for me to have my freedom. Help me to get my freedom?

You wrote and asked if I could get another job if the one I have is not satisfactory. 

I want to find a job out in Seattle and that is it exactly. I will wait for Martin. Seattle is the home base for him. This is between Martin and my-self. Read your letter over as I am writing to you.

Dec. 5th I received your welcome letter post-marked Dec. 2nd to-day. And I was finishing my work when your father and Dora came. We all went and had some-thing to eat together. I hadn't had time to open your letter so did so when we were out in the car. I let your father read your letter.

I am so glad your father's eyes are better and that he read your letter without glasses.

Marie I called Mrs. Durand last Friday and she said she had heard from you. I asked her if she wrote to you that she would sent you the money for your fare and she said she would. I think it is the most sensible way for you to come on the bus and bring your youngest child. I am sure your father will be delighted to see you.

I called Lottie over long distance several weeks ago. I asked her to come but she had some excuses. I could hardly keep back the tears as I heard her. I was thinking that I would mention - that suppose you write and ask Lottie to come to your house and stay while you come here.

When I talked to the social worker she said that my children have to come here for me. It is the same story.

Now about the way the lady I work for. She said it don't matter if you wrote that you would sign a second signature if necessary. She wants her way. And what do you think last July she didn't pay my any wages. I went to the State Capital for my birth certificate about the 11th of August and the 19th of August. I gave it to them to send in. But so far they haven't done so, so I can draw my social security. 

When I have asked the social worker about another job she just don't care to help me. So Marie the way is for me to go to Seattle and get some kind of work there. As long as my social security hasn't started it will add up to more money.

Now please let Mrs. Durand help you with a bus ticket one way. Then when you came we will talk this over with your father.

I asked your father if he will help me? This is what he said and I wrote it down.

Quote - If you write Marie and ask your father to help me. And if you can't afford to send enough money he will help and do his share. Un-quote.

Please excuse pencil.

So now Marie please, please come between Christmas and New Year's.

When I meet Martin we will talk things over. When he came out to the hospital to see me we didn't have time to talk over about the future. I could just cry.

I have enough money saved from my wages to pay my fare out to Seattle, Washington.

Now if you will write and don't change your mind no matter what others say. I am your mother. I have cried more than once when I have talked to the social worker but that hasn't change matters any. You are the one who must come and assist me at this time. 

When you come as I trust you will you can hep me pack my clothes.

When I talked to Lottie and asked her to come she answered, have you asked Marie?

You don't need to send me any-thing for Christmas as you can save that money to spend on your trip to Nebraska dear.

When I write to my brother Garfield about helping me her answer that your father is the one who should help me. That we lived in my brother's house and didn't pay any rent.

Please answer at once.


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