Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ak-Sar-Ben = Nebraska, spelled backwards

Lincoln, Nebr.
Nov. 1, 1953

Dear Marie -

I hope that you received the letter I sent by air mail a few days ago. I thought that I would write a few lines to let you know why I am sending a few pages of the Omaha paper. On the inside of the paper is an article about the new queen of the Ak-sar-ben.

You may remember me speaking about the place where the Millards lived and where I was employed. The men in the picture were boys when I was working for their mother. Mr. W.B. Millard is the queen's stepfather.

When the affair was held at the Ak-sar-ben pictures were taken for T.V. The lady I work for said she saw the show over the T.V. which they have here.

The first time the social worker was here she said that she had heard from you. That you wrote that it was all right for me to have a job.

When the social worker was here I asked her about the hospital paper as I would like to have one. Perhaps my name was in it since I have left there.

The social worker was here to see me last Thursday also.

I thought that you would surely write and let me know how you liked the handkerchief I sent you. The little safety pin in the corner is there so that you can pin it in your pocket on the left side of a dress.

I hope you will try and let Betty know that I have not yet received the return card from her.

Please, if you call Betty by telephone ask her if she has heard from Martin. And ok as soon as possible please find out what Martin's address is. This is my address -

Mrs. Ruth Jensen
1149 South 17th Street,
Lincoln, Nebraska

P.S. You may send the paper to Betty and then she san give it to Lottie to read. Perhaps they will be together at Thanksgiving time so sent it before then if you remember.

Thank you.

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