My mother remembers this project of my grandmother, which essentially was creating a mix that was a precursor to Bisquick. There were successes - see below - and there were failures. (Ask my mother about those.)
While reading the recipes are interesting, I think the opening lines from my grandmother are perhaps the most fascinating:
Our cooking habits of today are very different from those of a generation ago. We are used to a great many prepared and semi-prepared foods. Many housewives have lost (or are too young to have ever had to know), the art of "cooking from scratch".
As a compomise to this situation, most of the recipes in this pamphlet are based on a basic MASTER MIX. From this one biscuit-type mix, a wide range of cooking and baking is possible with a minimum of preparation time.
Many recipes using large quantities of today's surplus products, such as scrambled edds or custard, have been omitted from this collection; beacuse they have been featured in phamplets previously circulated.
August, 1961
What is ironic is that I only knew my grandmother to make everything from scratch - sans cake. This was the one item she declared was just as good for less money to use the box mix rather than make it from scratch. But she was an entrepreneur, and this project probably paid well for the day and got food on the table for her family, too.
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