Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mrs. Schultz wants me to wash my hair every week

Lincoln, Nebr.
June 13, 1955

Dear Marie - 

I hope that you received my letters. I have been waiting to hear from you. Why don't you write? Your wrote a nice letter dated May 16, 1955.

I was so glad about Martin. The birthday card you sent him I hope was received. The letters and handkerchief I sent him was not returned to me so he must have received them. I surely hope Martin will help me. I wish he would write to me. I hope that it cane be arranged that I can go out to Seattle if I don't go out to Phoenix where you are. I am waiting to hear from you in answer to my questions. Excuse me for repeating anything in my letters.

When the social worked was here she said she would see me in 2 or 3 weeks. And it was 3 weeks ago yesterday since she was here or 4 weeks next Wednesday.

I have had some nice letters from the case-worker in Omaha. I wish I could talk to her but she wrote "that it was un-likely that she could come to Lincoln to visit me." I think that is the way she worded the sentence.

Marie you know I wrote that I would like for you to put in writing "that I may be released from the State Hospital." I would like for you to come to Lincoln and see about me being release if it is necessary. If you can't come perhaps it can be arranged for Martin to come here.

I can't explain how difficult it is to work here. Mrs. Schultz wants me to wash my hair every week and talks about having my hair cut and curled. My hair is coming out and is so thin now. But Mrs. S. just goes on and on about the different things she wants me to spend money on. Please, please help me. I have been thinking that I would call up Frank's parents in Omaha and ask if they have heard anything from you.

There are several reasons why I don't like it here so it would be the best answer to leave here.

In the letter I had from Lottie dated May 3, 1955 she wrote Quote "How are things going now where you are working? Write again. If you are still unhappy there, I see no reason why we can't write to the social worker to see if she can find another job for you. Sometimes a change is good for a person." Un-Quote.

I cam enclosing a letter I received from my second cousin Anna. You don't need to return her letter.

Hope you like the clippings. And please write soon and answer questions.

Excuse mistakes and any un-neatness. Best wishes.

From, Mother.

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