Monday, January 2, 2012

I wait and I wait

Lincoln, Nebr.
Jan. 14, 1951

Dearest Marie -

Since you started your letter to me in a sincere way I will do the same also. I will read over your letter as I write. First I wish to thank you for the gifts you sent me in a box. I received the Christmas card, the pictures and the money and I appreciate all you sent very much and thank you. Why didn't you and Frank be on the pictures with your children? It was nice of you to write the 1st letter to me at the holiday season. And I wish to thank you for the pearl cotton thread you sent me and it was what matched the other I had. I am not finished yet with the scarf I am making for you.

I have been to church services this afternoon. I suppose you all attend the same church each Sunday.

Your father, Martin and Dora were here to visit me about 3 months ago. Your father said he would try and come some day during the week perhaps on a Wednesday. I have been looking for him to come and now during this nice weather we are having. In the letter that D. wrote post-marked Jan. 1st she wrote that "we will come down some nice Sunday." So I wish that the 3 of them will come real soon. I wait and I wait and how glad I will be when the come to visit and I can talk over about my problem. Would you please write a few lines to your father and remind him about what I have written dear?

Marie I have had the same glasses for years and I should have them exchanged perhaps, for some time. I was wonderful if you could help me with the expense. The frame part is all-rght except they need to be a little tighter over the nose and I would like a new case to keep my glasses in. When you write let me know if you think you can spare what money it would cost. But first I should find out how much it would be. You know it was my birthday Jan. 5 and I received 5 greeting cards.

Yes there were Christmas programs here at the hospital for the patients. You wrote that your little girl had a short piece to speak. I remember when 1 of my children spoke at a church and you could teach it to your childetn. It is, "I give my feet to Jesus to walk in wisdom's way."

You may let any one in the family read this letter. Hope you answer very soon. My address is on the envelope and may I remind you to read over my letter when writing.

P.S. Please write if it is Diamond St. or Ave.

With love,

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