Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Who did Frank vote for and did you vote?

Lincoln, Nebraska
Nov. 9, 1952

Dear Marie,

I received the little card about the birth of your baby. Why didn't you write a letter also as it is your turn to answer my letter? But I suppose you have had so many things to think about. Hope you and the baby are as well as can be expected. It should please your father what you named your baby. Who is the baby's first name after if any-body being such a common name?

I am still here as you can see by this paper. Your father has not been here since the last part of May. And I have not been down town for about a year now. I wish to send you something I made but would rather send it my-self the way I like. Now Marie it seems you could help me if you knew how important it is to me, if you would co-operate. It was nice of you to write that I had your permission to go to Lincoln but could you write and ask if I could have town patrol as it is called? You could write this in the letter to me and I will show it to the Dr. who comes on this ward. I told him about you and your baby.

Marie there is something else I wish to write to you about. Now I am able to take some kind of a job. I can iron well as you know. Then plain sewing. And lately I have learned how to sew carpet rags a new way. I would not expect much for my work but would be so thankful if you will write to me that I have your permission to take a job. I don't support you would consider me to come to live with you even though I could help you wish your house-work and I would not expect any money just board and room.

Please let me know if you have heard any news about Martin. I am worried about him. Pardon me, but if you should wish to send me any gift, would you send me some money. That is what I need as I still have not got any glasses for me eyes which I need very much. Please write to your sisters to send me money in case they desire to send me any-thing. Thank you very much.

Now please write as soon as possible. I did not attend church services to-day. I was reading the papers this afternoon. So much of interest to read about the past election. Who did Frank vote for and did you vote? I was wondering if Martin when to vote too?

Hope this letter finds you blissfully happy. I will now come to a close and remind you to write and answer my questions.

Bwest wishes to all.

As ever,
Your, Mother.

P.S. Marie if you can not afford to send me any money please write that you give permission to get town patrol and also that I may take a job.

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