Lincoln, Nebr.
June 9, 1966
Dear Lottie -
I received the writing tablets and I am writing on some paper now which you sent. Thank you very much and thank you for the mother's day card. Also your letter which was written May 10th 1966.
I am so glad that you are Jackie are coming. If you don't mind would you try to bring that corsage pin? Also would you see if you can try to find a pair of toe-rubbers? I have a pair of rubbers I will give you in exchange.
I am enclosing a greeting card for Mark. Your father is supposed to send him a gift. Also your father I hope sends the same kind to John - Marie's boy.
I didn't mean about work to do like house-work when you come. I was thinking about suggestions in sewing. Like for instance if you would voice your opinions should I try a dress on.
I am pleased to hear from your letter that you have some help with your lawn. Don't try to do too much your-self.
I am enclosing a clipping.
I wish that you would move either to Portland to be nearer to Betty or move to Phoenix to be inthe same city as Marie and Becky and their families. Talk this over when you are together why don't you?
Now to write something different. Rememebr I thought that shorthand wasn't a worthwhile subject to take in high school. Then later when I knew more about it I thought it was good. Then I wished you had studied more along those lines. Well I was thinking that I would write about what I saw on television. A lay was being interviewed as she has written a book and the name - Shorthand with Champagne. This lady is a public stenograph at Beverly Hills hotel in Hollywood. Well she was asked to see Barbara Hutton and that she is the wealthiest woman in the world. The stenograph's fee is $10.00. Perhaps some time you could try to borrow the book. Oh and the stenogprah's picture is on the cover.
Now if you buy any toe-rubbers for me would you see that they are for low heels?
I hope that you get as early a start on your trip as possible. And no need to hurry so that you are all exhausted. I hope you can stay more than a week. May-be one of your daughters can stay at your house while you are away.
I am looking forward toward your visit. One of my wishes is that we can talk over my problems sensibly.
Hope you have a safe trip and happy landing.
Thank you again for the mother's day presnet. I have a dress I intend to give you when you come.
With love and best wishes.
I am As ever, Your Mother.
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