Sunday, May 8, 2011

According to the moon, this weekend is when you're supposed to plant everything.

Thursday (1971?)

Hi Momma!

Happy Mother's Day.

I'm a little slow. Sorry this is (will be) late. I wish we could come down and see you - we haven't been down for M. Day for a few years - but you know we love you. We're having Stan & Jen down for dinner (and Barb and Steve & Sue) and they need a lot of attention.

If you already have a wallet thingy for your trip or you don't want one, I can exchange it very easily. It's not exactly something you can use two of. The store where I bought it has lots of neat stuff so you can trade it in on something good.

We've been hoeing and raking in our garden for 3 hours this evening! It's almost ready to plant. According to the moon, this weekend is when you're supposed to plant everything.

Student teaching is going great. I do everything now. I plan out the whole week and by Friday I usually only have Wednesday's stuff done. This week I still haven't done stuff planned for Monday and Tuesday! Oh well. Minaya or whatever.

I got a real good midterm evaluation. I guess I told you that, I got 4 outstandings and 6 strongs. Now all I need is a job.

Write sometime, okay?

Hope to see you soon. Drag daddy up for a Sunday drive - everything is blooming and beautiful.

lotsa love,
(and Stanley)

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