Monday, November 1, 2010

Mother's Day Gift

May 1, 1975

Dear Elin,

I'm sure you will be very surprised and please to receive the enclosed check. After bills and expenses were taken care of in our mother's behalf, each of her five children will receive a gift of $410.00.

Betty and Morgan took care of the legal and accounting matters in such a way that funds were conserved. Betty spent last week in Phoenix with us recuperating from a gall bladder operation. We then had a chance to go over all the records together and checked with Lottie by phone.

I recently received verification that a stone, which matched Grandma's, was placed at Mother's grave in the Norby plot. This had previously been ordered.

Please let me know when you receive the check. What more fitting a Mother's Day gift! Betty and Lottie join me in sending their love.


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