Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Daughter Should Take A Real Interest

Omaha, Nebr.
March 3, 1948.

Marie -

I received your letter dated Feb. 16th and I will now answer this morning. I have been expecting to receive the articles that you were going to send to me. So far I haven't received them Marie but I hope they are on the way. I sent you something I had made. It is for your birthday and please let me know when you receive it and how you like it although late. You didn't mention how you spent the day but write next time whether you spent the day in any special way (your birthday).

Have you received more than 1 letter from Mrs. Finegan? I have talked to her 2 times and I was hoping to talk to her before I write. I have payed part of the storage bill at the storage and van co., and I wish to pay the balance. Yes of-coarse I want to keep my possessions. I wish Mrs. Finegan would come and tell me the amount due and you may write her that because I don't know exactly. You know I have not been out-side the hospital grounds since I came here which will be 10 months the 13th of March. I can hardly realize it. I am so glad that you wrote that perhaps you can help me. So Marie I am pleased to have you write that, and it seems only natural that a daughter should take a real interest. I talked to the supervisor Monday and I said I had not answered your letter and would like to know before I write about being released. In this department a patient has to have some one call for them. That is why I had hoped your father would help me. I have written to but received no answer. So I hope Marie that you and Elin will be kind and help me. The nurse said that if I should be released and live by my-self I would need to go on relief and Dr. Y. would not permit that. You remember that when I first came here that I was dismissed after the 1st month. I have asked your father when he has been out if he would take me out. But he will have to help me. Haven't you written that my wishes should be considered that also another time about being independent?

So Marie I hope I can talk to the nurse again who is the supervisor for this department about being released. And now thanking you in advance. And when you receive this please write to Elin in your own words about me. And then when I know how you can help I will write and let you know.

This morning the sun is out and now the sky is a pale blue like a winter sky. There has been several inches of snow. As far as I can see from the window the ground is covered with snow.

I received a short letter from Martin recently and have already answered it. He wrote that he had a stamp collection. Lottie has received the nuresy chair.

I wrote a letter to you but I hope you received it after you sent your last letter to me. Thank you again for the candu Marie. Betty received the apron I sent her. But I haven't heard from Elin if she received the apron I sent and so when you write please mention that.

So now I must come to a close and say good-by. Please answer as soon as possible Marie.


I am, As ever,

P.S. Read over my letter when you write to me.
Excuse pencil.

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