Thursday, May 13, 2010

"well why didn't you say so"

Omaha, Nebr.
June 3, 1946

Marie -

I received your letter dated May 27th and the kodak picture of your baby. Also the program and thank you Marie. I mention the above so as to keep things straight. And Marie I sent you a letter a few days ago after you wrote the other letter the one before the last one. Didn't you receive it?

I remember I inclosed a little clipping about high ideas make world history and another about the minister who has probaly married more people than any other because he has married the couples at the Little Church Around the Corner in New York City. Also I sent some clippings about the University. Please let me know if you received the letter Marie.

Yes I can just image how busy you have been lately and still are. I hope you have some help around the house. I don't like to see you rush so fast and then not get things done right. Please go about your work calmly and don't try to do more than possible.

Yes there can be a system in moving no matter how modern the times are. This is my own definition pretty good don't you think?

I am so glad that you went to see my cousins and that you had a pleasant visit. Didn't they come to visit you any time during your stay in Chicago? I am so glad that Freda is walking again and I am sure that all were also. remember to tell me more when you reach Omaha. But perhaps you had better call them up before you leave Chicago and mention that you have heard from me at the same time.

I hope you wear your suit while in Omaha because I want to see it. It will be a good time to wear it.

That is nice that you are going to visit Frank's aunt at Clear Lake but I don't remember Frank doing there while you were keeping company with him. I hope you have a nice little rest while there.

Marie I was thinking that when you come that is, when you know what time you are to arrive at the Union Station couldn't you let me know? Could I have the privilege of being the first to greet you in Omaha? So being you don't know the exact date when you are coming I thought I would write what you could do. I think a person can send a telegram what time the train will arrive. After you get here Frank could take a taxi cab to his home and you come later I mean we could visit for a while before you go out to the Durands. How is this and hope you think this is all right and that Frank don't mind. You know you did send me a telegram after you were married, didn't you? I am sorry the pictures didn't turn out well I mean the family picture. May be you can take some pictures in Omaha. But be sure and let me have one of those pictures you had taken of your-self.

I was at home Mother's day as well as Declaration day.

I had a few lines from Martin and Lottie not so long ago. Lottie wrote that they are all fine. I will let you see the letter when you come to visit me. I heard from Betty before May 12th. And Elin sent a nice Mother's day card and a few lines that she would write soon. I wish she would come to Omaha this summer and could meet you before you leave Omaha. Wouldn't you think so? Do you think you could travel by where Lottie lives and stop over and see them? I hope you can arrange this Marie for a long time ago I could stop over for a certain time when I was out West.

Marie there are quite a few things that I want you to help me with. Couldn't you arrange to stay on longer in Omaha than Frank and you go later? You know that there are things I have been waiting for you to help me with.

To do these things all takes time. You know the British wives came later to the U.S. and some have even 3 children. Please Marie I hope you will do this as I have done so many things for you in the past.

Write very soon please.
As ever,
I am,
Your Mother.

P.S. Marie if you are going to let other people meet you at the depot, why in that case I don't wish to be there. I thought I would mention this so that, after-wards you won't say "well why didn't you say so."

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