Monday, March 22, 2010

"David is gone."

Blair Nebr
April 21 - 52

Dear Marie & Family: -

I just received your card of sympathy and wish to thank you for the same.

Tomorrow: April 22nd it will be two months since David's passing.

I didn't realize, and I don't think he did either, that he was so seriously ill.

Through the American Legion he was permitted to enter the Veteran's Hospital in Omaha Wednesday the 20th. On Thursday he was operated for bladder trouble. He went into what the nurses called "complete shock"; that is he didn't regain consciousness at any time. The doctors asked that post-mortem be held, that is, they asked my brother Joe's and my permission to do so. We consented and they pronounced the cause as "uremia"; poisoning the system. The doctor performing the operation told me that David's bladder was very high towards his stomach. The surgeon and nurses did all in their humanly power to help him. He hemoraged after the operation. Two nurses were in attendance up to the last at 12:05 (noon) P.S. Friday February 22nd. They gave him ten pints of blood by transfusion, also a large amount of blood plasma.

A young Swedish Lutheran minister said that he talked to David before the operation and remembered him in prayer.

This same minister preached a very comforting sermon at the hospital chapel on Monday the 23rd.

At one time David mentioned that when he died he wished to be buried near his birthplace at Weston Nebr. next town to Wahoo. I went down there and bought a lot in the Swedish Babtist cemetary which is about 1 3/4 (of a) mile from his birthplace. Also the birthplace of your mother, you know.

David is gone. It once more emphathizes the fact that life is uncertain. At heart David was very tender and he did much for your mother, as you know.

So much for that. You might send this information to your sisters.

As to retirement, - I already have; - Oct 1st last year. - I haven't done any traveling up to now. Hardly feel like it without Margaret along, as you might suppose. However don't be too surprised if I pulled up to the front walk some fine day. I have had all my teeth pulled and got my plates a week ago. Kind of awkward yet.

Greetings to Frank & all.

With love - Garfield

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