April 8, 1955
Dear L and Family,
Just a brief note to accompany the pictures I finally got developed from our stay with you last summer. The enclosed two were the only ones worth sending. The few others we took were pretty punk - you know how kids look in the shade with wet hair. The enclosed two are swell for the record, don't you think?
Will you be going down to Portland when the new Pritchett arrives?
I'm enclosing a letter from Pop and Dora. It is in answer to the proposal that he take his extended tour of his kids this spring and summer. I get the idea that finances and inertia are holding them up. Do you think there would be any chance of we kids chipping in to help make the trip possible? Frank said he would rather do that then put money on a fancy tombstone someday. Anyway let us know if you have any ideas.
We're ready for Easter with a fresh outfit around (not everything new, but everything freshened & presentable). The girls have their first nylon dresses. Today it is Ruthie's birthday. We must get ready soon now, for we are going out to dinner & taking her favorite girl friend along.
Main news from our family is that Frank started a new job this week. Running the Children's Home, though a very rewarding experience, was far too time consuming. it really was a 24 hr a day responsiblity. Frank is now an audio-visual sales engineer to churches & schools. It is a good deal with a guaranteed wage plus commission.
Are you working, L? Does Bob still like his job?
Happy Birthday to Mark! I remembered his birthday was April 7! Wish we could all be together more often.
Love, Marie & all
Feb 16 1955
Dear Marie and Family.
Received your card and letter and two dollars yesterday and thanks so much for them. Dollars are sure money to us now - we get by and thans about all.
Got a letter from Martin today and one from Albert so we were both happy for I was waiting for a letter and when it dont come I get so blue.
Lars got more medicene today from the Dr he caught cold and I told him he best do something before it gets bad then it hangs on so long.
Well Marie I just dont know what to tell about his eyes I put those drops in every night only missed twice since he started so I've done best I could. sometimes it seems he sees better he says it clearing well I sure hope so.
Now that trip sounds so nice but guess its only a dream cant see how we can take it he said if his eyes get so he can work then we can go next year.
Sure glad you had a nice visit with Bill & family.
Guess your like we do love company never too much for us.
Martin didn't write much. Said he got a letter from Ruth and would write to her too.
Lars laughed when he called her Ruth.
I wrote and gave her Martins last address but we havent heard from her since I wrote.
Lars didnt give her his right address and her letter come back then she wrote and I ans. and copied the address.
Well I sure hope he does write to her.
Sure has been cold here we took car out two weeks ago & shopped & paid bills and then we stayed home then Monday we went out paid more bills & got pumpernickel and some groceries it was such a beautiful day but hes been in so cold so he had to take cold then we went out yesterday and this A.M. so hoarse so I thought it was best thing to do he isnt sick but I didnt want him to get bad.
Just cant get him to go to a Dr so I won.
Friday A.M. Well its raining this morning so maybe some snow - will go I do hope so for its piled on each side of the road or street.
My arm bothers me I think I hurt it before Xmas hanging up clothes I have to reach so high to reach the ends of line and I had a big wash so needed lots of line next day hurts and now if I reach up for put arm back of me sure hurts I havent hung my coat up since Xmas he does it for me and he ties my apron too. he says it just rheumatism well maybe. But I use the dust mop and mop the kitchen I mopped all over the house other two days then waxed floors and it didn't hurt and when snow come I took snow shovel and cleaned part of walks and it didn't hurt a bit but if I reach with my right arm I nearly scream hurts so bad so I think I hurt it. At the time our Dr was in hospital several weeks and I was waiting for him then snow come and we didn't go out so there always an excuse.
Sure hope this storm is just a rain but radio last night said blizzard so I'm dreading it.
Time to put news on and give him his morning coffee in bed then he can ge up and have breakfast. We enjoy that mornng coffee in bed.
Must close now - write soon.
love to all
Dora and Dad.
He goes to an eye specialist Dr Maynard Greenberg in Medic Arts Building he supposed to be one of the best in Omaha. He bought him a new norelco electric shaver yesterday and he tried it out this A.M. sure likes it fine he wansted one but said couldnt afford it I said theres going to be money when you and I are gone and why not get it now if you want it.
From Pops and Dora